Thursday, October 20, 2011

Preparing the Bees for Hibernation

After our little honey accident a little over a month ago and my sting reaction a few weeks ago, we've (I've) been a little hesitant to get back into the bees.  However, it had to be done...and soon since the weather is turning whether I want it to or not.  So, we suited up and went out, smoker in hand, to see how our bees are doing.

The verdict?  They're doing great!  They have been super busy over the past month preparing for the winter!  I actually don't think we will even need feed them this year!!!  According to our calculations, they have about 60 pounds of honey in there, which should be plenty since everything we've read says they need 45-60 pounds to get themselves through the winter!

So, we insulated the top/cover of their hive with some inch thick (foam) insulation board my dad had laying around his shed, put in the follow board (this is a board that sections off the inside of the hive, creating a smaller space for them over the winter, so they have less space to heat and less to stress's basically like closing off an extra bedroom that you don't use so as to save on energy costs) and closed up an entry and exit point on both sides of the hive (they still have several entry and exit points to use).

So, despite all the stress our little bees have been under, it looks like they've pulled through and have a had a successful summer!  We'll continue to help them where we can and will keep our fingers tightly crossed that they'll make it through the winter!  Sometimes that's all you can do.


  1. Isn't it true, necessity is the mother of, "get er done". That must have been such a relief to see all that honey. I'm glad your bees will be secure for the winter. When will you harvest a little for yourselves?

  2. Hi Jody! SUCH a relief!!! We've decided to wait until spring to harvest...make sure they get through the cold months OK and then enjoy a little treat :-)


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