Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Here are a few of the things I've been looking at lately...

This pantry has me in awe.  Someday...maybe next year, or the year after...I will be able to plan enough, grow enough, can enough to have a pantry that looks something like the one in this post!

Landreth Seeds has been around for centuries (literally), is experiencing financial hardship (aren't we all?) and is (fantastically) being helped by us "little people".  If you can spare a few bucks ($5 catalogs!), or just want to spread the word, please do so!  Heirloom seeds are so important, and, in my humble opinion, priceless!!!

I'm super excited to make this simple recipe with our newly harvested potatoes!

If you grow you own food, or support people who do, this will either piss you off, or scare the hell out of you.  You've been warned.  It's important to know your enemy...especially when they're scary...and crazy.

If the last link scared you,  and you care about the environment, this one might just make you happy :-)

Hope you're all having a fantastic day!!!

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