Monday, September 12, 2011

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!

First off, we've broken the 100 pound mark!!!  WooHoo!!! that I've done my Happy Dance, we can get down to business ;-)

This weeks highlights include:

  • The first butternut squash
  • Actual Blue Corn
  • The second wave of Roma Tomatoes
  • The first Italian Heirloom!
  • A mini CSA-type box of goodies for Brother
  • The first (and possibly the only) pie pumpkin
  • An accidental apple harvest
  • My lovely new harvest basket!

Blue corn!!!

The first Butternut of the year!

Lemon cukes and jalapenos and squash, oh my!

The mini CSA for Brother :-)

Beans and tomatoes, the Rock Stars of the garden this year.  No doubt.

The accidental apples.  They fell off the tree while we were attempting to espalier...

Sweet little pie pumpkin in the bottom of my new basket!

This weeks totals:
Tomatoes = 6 pounds 15 ounces
Bush Beans = 2 pounds 10 ounces
Lemon Cucumber = 1 pound 
Jalapenos = 2 ounces
Butternut Squash = 2 pounds 5 ounces
Acorn Squash = 1 pound
Summer (regular ol') Squash = 7 ounces
Pie Pumpkin = 1 pound 7 ounces
Blue Corn = 9 ounces
Apples = 1 pound 13 ounces
TOTAL OF 18 pounds 4 ounces!!!

This brings our total this year to a tad over 106 pounds of home grown yumminess!!!

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne at daphnesdandelions.  Check out what she's harvesting, as well as what many, many others are harvesting!


Hope you all have a fantastic day!


  1. Hurray for blue corn! You're tempting me to try that variety next year. That butternut looks HUGE!

  2. Butternut squash looks so big! You have had a variety of harvests this week! Looks wonderful!

  3. A lot of cherry tomatoes there. And finally the corn turns blue. Looks nice. Time for some blue corn tortilla chips and salsa.

  4. Butternut squash, bluecorn...go on rub it in - no really I am happy and very envious.

  5. I enjoy looking the variety of squash you harvested. Wow blue corn! So many treasures from your garden.

  6. Thomas - The blue corn has been a lot of fun, but I do miss my sweet corn!!!

    RandomGardener - There have been a few big butternuts and several little guys still waiting to come off the vine! I'm just happy to finally have some winter squash to stash away!

    Dave - We just might try to make blue corn chips this year. I'm sure it will be an adventure, but it should be fun, too :-)

    Shaheen - I am happy you are happy...if you were here, I'd share with you. Promise.

    M-K girl - Thank you! I am very excited about all the winter squash this year...though our summer squash harvest has been very minimal. Not sure what happened, but it's been quite disappointing.


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