Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hatch Green Chile

What do you do in New Mexico in September?

Well, unless you're insane, you buy Hatch chile in bulk (by the sack full) and have the nice people you buy it from roast it (while you're waiting, someone might even treat you to the juiciest freshly sliced peach you've ever eaten).

Then, you bring it home, let it steam for a few hours (in the bag it's been transported in), peel it, rinse it, chop it up, bag it and put it in the freezer (we have a deep freezer that holds other yumminess, too, but was specifically purchased for our chile stash).

We generally buy and freeze about 100 pounds each fall, so we still need to purchase and process 2 more sacks.  

The process, while a bit tiring, makes for delicious chile year round and saves us well over $150 over store bought, pre-packaged chile (which is usually pretty gross, anyway).  Yay for Hatch!!!


  1. My five year old sure loves your blog. He keeps saying, "look how many eggs she got!", "look what she's making in her kitchen!", "Oh, look what she got from her garden!" Those chilis look delicious.

  2. M-K girl -SO much fun! And completely worth every minute (and dollar) spent!

    Jody - This made me smile SO big! Five year olds are the best! Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing with your little one :-)


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