Thursday, September 22, 2011

Garden Happiness(es)

Little pretties.

Little kale.

Little zucchini.
(This guys a little late, and one of two showing up so late.  We'll see if we have enough time between now and the first frost for him to actually mature.)

Little ground cover popping up.

Little (inedible) corn, with one (huge) kernal.

Whatever you're doing this week, I hope it is bringing you happiness.


  1. I see lots of lovely little things. We really need to get some ground cover down. But that means we'll have to harvest the carrots, pull weeds, turn the soil and so forth. It will be lot's of work. Sigh...

    On another topic, you've won an award! Please visit our blog and see what all the fuss is about.

  2. Garden happiness is the perfect way to describe the state of mind most of us experience. I find my self mentally returning to the garden when works sucks.

  3. Jody - I had to chuckle a little when I read your comment! I have SO MUCH ground cover to get down, but OH...the effort! Since starting school again, there seems to be no time for anything! Thanks again for the award, it's been lots of fun :-)

    Thomas - Thank you :-) I do the same thing! And I walk around the garden at least once a day, usually upon returning home after creates a nice transition form the work day into home-time!


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