Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Liebster Blog Award

Thank you so much Jody for giving my blog the Liebster award!!!  

The Liebster is awarded to spotlight up and coming bloggers who currently have less than 200 followers.

 "Liebster" is a German word meaning dear, sweet, kind, nice, good, beloved, lovely, kindly, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. What a gift to be awarded with such kindness!

Now for the rules:
1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers.
5. And most of all - have fun!

Now for my five picks, in no particular order...

Animal-Friendly Eating - I recently found Kelli's blog and absolutely love it!  She lives in South Jersey and blogs about her garden, recipes, the CSA she is a part of, crafts, her community garden and tons of other fantastic topics!

Food Farm Health - Another new-to-me, fantastic blog in which Shanon talks about growing her own food, food allergies (and healings), agriculture (present and past), putting food by (I am completely jealous of her 2011 Food Storage Tally...WoW) and shares tons of recipes!

Soul Flower Farm - Located in the East Bay area in California, this blog is about incorporating biodynamic farming methods and permaculture design in order to be self sustaining. They have goats, chickens, bees and the best quiche recipe EVER!

Little Blog in the Big Woods - I want to be like GreenPa when I grow in these ways... 1) I long to live in a cozy home in the woods.  Deep in the woods.  2) I want a self composting toilet (yep, I said that) that is attached to our home (as long as it does NOT stink) deep in the woods  3) I want to get our electricity from the sun  4) I want to heat our home with wood in the winter  5) I want to do it all for 30+ years!!!  Yes, I said that, too :-)

Mistress Beek - Chantal lives in Albuquerque (about 50 miles from here) and keeps bees.  7 hives of bees to be exact.  She's been keeping bees a few years longer than we have and so I've been enjoying learning a bit from her while on this journey.

I really hope you'll take a minute to visit my fellow bloggers! 



  1. thank you so much, bee girl! you made my day! and thank you for introducing me to some wonderful new blogs.


  2. That's awesome! Congrats!

  3. Hi, Bee Lady- many thanks for the kind words and thoughts. Pretty much all of us could use a little cheering up these days.

    A word on your chicken economics- it's going to be hard to get into the black if you only count the eggs on the plus side; at this scale. Do they eat any pesty bugs for you? Put that down as an economic plus - it IS; just hard to quantify. Likewise- there are human mood benefits; do they make you happy? That counts.

    Hard to quantify, but very real; there ARE people working on doing this kind of accounting, so we can talk to the plain money people out there.

  4. Kelli - You're welcome :-)

    Brie - Thank you!!!

    Greenpa - First off, you're more than welcome! Secondly, I absolutely LOVE your ideas about chicken economics!!! I will have to play with how to quantify all the positives they bring to our small plot. Thanks for the perspective shift :-)


Thank you for taking the time to share your voice! Your feedback and perspectives in this space help it to feel so much less like a one sided conversation. I welcome and enjoy each and every one of your comments and will do my best to respond as quickly as possible. However, if you are here to promote a business or be unkind, please know that this is not the place to do so and such comments will be quickly deleted.