Monday, July 22, 2013

There's Something in the Water

I think there must've been something in the water last winter because there are a lot of babies being born these days!  In addition to our own Little One joining us in October, two of our close friends and many of our acquaintances have either recently given birth or are getting ready to!

Needless to say, new babies mean new blankets and I have been one busy woman creating blankets for everyone but us...

Next up?  About a million ideas for blankets and hats and cuteness for our Sprout!  I have been pinning a lot of brilliant ideas on my Crochet Board, but I think this idea will have to be first, not only for it's cuteness, but also for it's challenge!  A granny square blanket with little owls completely incorporated into the stitch?  Oh yeah...

Stay tuned!!!

What do you have on your needles and hooks these days?


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  1. Ok I finally found you on Top Mommy. Now, how do I vote?

    Love the owl granny squares...ADORABLE!!

    1. Hi Tonya! Thank you for voting for me! If you got to Top Mommy Blogs via either the link at the bottom of my posts or the Vote For Me pic in my sidebar, then you've already voted :-) All you do is really is that simple :-)

  2. Wish there was something in the water out our way............. I'd love to be knitting for a new Bub or doing a little bit of babysitting!!
    Love the colours in your blankets and those little cute!!

    1. Careful what you ask just might get it! It seems as though babies come in waves, so one just might be headed your way! ;-)


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