Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Greenopedia + Ever Growing Crocheted Mason Jar Cozy Giveaway

Greenopedia is a new website whose intention is to compile a portion of the wealth of "green" information into one, easy to navigate site. Their official launch hasn't happened yet, but the information on the site is already making it a go-to place for everything green.  As a build up to their launch Sheryl Ryan, Greenopedia's founder, answered a few questions for me.

Can you tell me in a few sentences what the focus of your business is?

We focus on practical solutions that you can feel good about.

Greenopedia helps you to make better decisions without feeling overwhelmed. We research important lifestyle questions and present the answers in a series of short articles, all in one convenient place.

As our name "Greenopedia" implies, we focus on answers that have sustainability implications. That makes sense, because solutions that are safer and healthier for you and your family, are usually more sustainable as well.

Who is your target market?

Everyone wants information at their fingertips that helps them make better lifestyle decisions, but we know that women often manage the health and purchasing for the family. Our content really appeals to moms who are considering everything from nutritious meals to safe household products.

What kind of information does Greenopedia cover?

Right now, we have articles to help people make decisions that pertain to Baby, Food and Home. Style and Beauty are coming soon and new information is posted regularly.

How long have you been in business?

Greenopedia has been in the works for a couple of years, but the current site just went live this summer. The “official” launch is planned for Fall 2013, so stay tuned.

Why did you start this business?

After reading The Omnivore's Dilemma, I went fast and furious down the path of learning more about food and how it affected the environment, animals, and my health. Sustainability quickly became a passion, but the lack of easily digestible and actionable information became a source of frustration. I started Greenopedia to help people like me, who crave simple answers to pressing lifestyle questions.

How do you think your eco business has or will impact your community or is helping people leave less of a footprint on our planet?

We are humbled each and every time one of our users tells us about a decision they made based on information they found on Greenopedia. Our goal is to minimize our readers’ frustration in finding the information they need to make decisions that are right for them. We certainly hope that by making sustainability more accessible and applicable to daily living that quality of living for everyone will improve and that there will be less of an environmental impact because of it. That's lofty, but small decisions can have a big impact.

As my faithful readers know well, I hold a firm belief that small changes can have big impact on the world around us.  So, to help build a little buzz around Greenopedia's launch, I'd like to offer a small giveaway!

For this giveaway, I will be offering one of my crocheted mason jar cozies to one lucky winner. The winner will get to choose any cozy currently available in my Etsy Shop

Yes, small changes can affect great change! Using a mason jar instead of a single use cup when making your own coffee or tea or purchasing coffee from your favorite coffee shop is a small change that can really add up!  Add a cute cozy into the mix and you're not only protecting your hands from that delicious hot beverage, you've just upped your game!

Mason Jar Crocheted Cozy (cream w/ a orange, yellow & green snail)  Mason Jar Crocheted Cozy (Brown)  Mason Jar Crocheted Cozy (yellow w/ a grey & green snail)

Good luck!

Please note that my standard giveaway rules apply.

Trouble with Rafflecopter?  This might help...


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  1. So interesting! If I win, hopefully this reminds me to use my mason jars more :) So cute!

  2. So interesting! If I win, hopefully this reminds me to use my mason jars more :) So cute!


Thank you for taking the time to share your voice! Your feedback and perspectives in this space help it to feel so much less like a one sided conversation. I welcome and enjoy each and every one of your comments and will do my best to respond as quickly as possible. However, if you are here to promote a business or be unkind, please know that this is not the place to do so and such comments will be quickly deleted.