Friday, November 18, 2011

{this moment}

A Friday ritual.  
A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you feel inspired to share your moment, please leave a link to your moment in the comments below for all to see.


  1. Aren't you industrious! I wonder what you're building?

    My moment also involves a hunk of wood, put to a different purpose:

  2. Ha! Thanks, Linda! Tool Lady built me a grow light stand!!! I blogged about it a couple of days ago and just couldn't resist sharing the moment again! :-)

  3. Love the creating! I wonder what it will be when you're finished..

  4. Please send tool lady my way. I need a pantry ;-)

  5. My cupboard door needs to be fixed if you've got the time, and Australia is nice this time of year ;-)

  6. Frankie - Thanks! It was a grow light stand!!!

    Jaime - Ha! Right! She could travel the world doing odd jobs for people ;-)

    Alexa - Thank you!

    kc - Yes! Australia is on our list of places to visit! Though not for a while :-(

  7. Oh, how exciting - a grow light stand! We did built one last winter! It's never too early to start prepping for next year's gardening season, is it. :)

  8. Shanon - It's so exciting! I've started some wheat grass and some greens for eating eating over the winter and will be putting in some sprouts in the next couple of days! The spring will be very exciting with all the (other) sprouts getting ready for the (real) sunshine!


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