Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ice Cream in a Bag

Do you ever find yourself wanting ice cream, but not wanting to make the trip to the store?  Make your own!


  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 cup half & half or heavy cream
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • 6 tbsp rock salt
  • 1 pint sized freezer bag
  • 1 gallon sized freezer bag
  • ice cubes
  • Put the sugar, half & half and vanilla in the pint sized bag and seal it
  • Put the rock salt and ice in the gallon sized bag
  • Put the pint sized bag into the gallon sized bag and seal it
  • Shake, shake, shake for 5-10 minutes
Once the liquid has become a semi-solid AKA ice cream, take the pint sized bag out, wipe the salt water off the top and open it carefully.  ENJOY!!!

  • Using freezer bags limits the possibility of the ice breaking through the pint sized bag.  Salty ice cream is not very yummy :-/
  • You can use milk, but it will take longer and won't get as firm as heavy cream or half & half
This is, of course, a fun activity for kiddos!  I work with kids and this is one of their favorite activities!  Besides the fun, there's a science to it!


  1. What a fun way to entertain and involve our Grands in the process! Thanks! Julie

  2. Julie - YES! Kids LOVE this! And, with all the shaking of the bag, it gets out some of their "wiggles" AKA extra energy they seem to carry around with them :-)


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