Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sunshine and New Feathers

Today it is absolutely gorgeous outside!  The sun is shining, the sky is bright blue and there is very little wind.  We thought it was the perfect day to let our newest Newbies have some time in the sunshine!  So, out of the brooder they came!

At first they were really hesitant and stayed huddled together in the middle of the lawn.

Then, they hung out with Tool Lady for a few minutes.

Soon, though, they started venturing out a bit.  Not too far away from each other, but far enough to taste a little freedom :-)

Then, suddenly, they were all in one of the beds, scratching around...pecking at everything... squawking like crazy!

Needless to say, they were very unhappy when it was time to come inside!

Next on our list of Things-To-Do is the build a bigger and better brooder for these ladies.  They need more space and we want them to be outside more often without us having to babysit them.  We're thinking we'll build something into one of the corners of the chicken run, but we're not quite sure yet.  I'll let you know when I know more :-)  As always, I'm open to suggestions!

I hope you're all having a fabulous weekend!  Cheers!


  1. I find myself watching our chicks too. Today, they found a small piece of dried leaf (or something that looks like a dried leaf) in their brooder and played tag with it. Whoever had it was "It" and the rest chased her around to try to steal it. It was SO funny!

  2. Sure... rub it in... Its still white and overcast. Maybe tomorrow! :)


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