Friday, February 24, 2012

Independence Days

Happy Independence Days!

Plant something (under the grow lights):
  • 3 broccoli
  • 24 green bunching onions

Harvest something (veggies & basil from under the grow lights):
  • 2 oz mixed lettuce
  • 1 oz spinach
  • a couple of basil leaves
  • 20 eggs

Preserve something:
  • We froze a half gallon of red chile purchased at a local restaurant.  It's the best red chile in town, hands down and is worth buying already made :-)

Waste not:
  • Not sure if this counts, but last weekend Tool Lady consolidated our compost pile.  We are thinking it will work better with its new configuration.  Hmmm...maybe this goes under the Skill Up category?...
  • We've saved seeds from the acorn and butternut squash we grew last year & ate a few weeks ago...I just keep forgetting to mention them!

Want Not:

Eat the Food:
  • 1 lb ground beef from the freezer
  • 1 roast from the freezer
  • 1 quart of canned pinto beans
  • 1 half pint of pickled beets
  • 1 loaf of home made bread

Build community food systems: Nothing here this week.

Skill up: 
  • Lots of research into straw bale gardening as an option for our impending back yard re-do this spring
  • I completed our excel spreadsheets for 
    • tracking expenditures vs. expenses for 2012 forward (I'll share this soon in it's own post)
    • tracking sowing, transplanting and harvesting dates

Note:  I didn't post a Harvest Monday post this week (on 2/20) so the Harvest Totals above are from the past week and a half...and I haven't looked in the hoop houses in a while either...I hope to get back on track this weekend :-)  Life and work and school, oh my!

Independence Days Challenge is hosted by
Sharon @ The Chatelaine's Keys

I'd love to see what you've been up to!  If you'd like to join in simply leave a link to your Independence Days post and I'll pop on over!  If you don't have a blog, feel free to let me know what you've been up to in the comments below! 


  1. You and the family keep working hard. It's inspiring!

    1. Thanks, Jody! Small steps every day is my goal :-)

  2. You go girl!.....though you're making me feel rather like I'm lagging behind. Unfortunately, had to put some things on hold whilst I go out and earn some money the old-fashioned way to cover some big house/garden jobs....I will be back to real life soon. In the meantime taking inspiration from you : )

    1. Thank you! Every little tiny thing matters and totally counts! Your job is preparation for the other things you want to do, so no worries! :-)

  3. Awesome!

    I can't wait to see your new compost configuration.

    1. Ha! As soon as we get it looking a bit more respectable, I'll post about it :-)

  4. I look forward to learning from you about your straw bale gardening... those photos you posted a while back were amazing. I hope you guys have great luck with it all. We officially stopped buying eggs from the store about a month ago. feels soooo great to be eating only the eggs from our girls! :)

    1. I'm excited about the possibility of straw bale gardening, too, though we still haven't decided for sure. Congratulations on producing all your own eggs now!!! It's such a wonderful feeling AND they're SO delicious!!!


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