Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunflower Thief

I love sunflowers.  I know lots of people like sunflowers, but I really love sunflowers.  I have them planted pretty much anywhere I can fit them where they'll get enough sun.  


Apparently someone else in our neighborhood loves sunflowers, too.  Enough the behead one and run away with it.  I found this poor guy a couple of mornings ago.  He must have been peeking over the fence, saying Hello, when someone lopped his head off.

Silly neighbor.  All they had to do was ask.  I would have happily given them a sunflower.  Oh well.


  1. oh my gosh! The nerve of people never ceases to amaze me, unfortunately. Your Sunflowers are beautiful!!

  2. The sunflower pics are great - they actually look a bit surreal.


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