Monday, August 22, 2011

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!!!

The Yellow Taxis have continued to bless us with their presence in the garden...which I am grateful for since not many of our other varieties are near ready for harvest!  We've harvested about a pound a day of these babies!

We also harvested our second (yes, their growth is slow this year!) squash and a few handfuls of beans.

In addition to all the "regulars", we have harvested our first and second jalapenos of the year!!!

Here are this weeks totals:
Tomatoes = 7 pounds
Squash = 8 ounces
Bush Beans = 1 pound 9 ounces
Jalapenos = 2 ounces

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne at daphnesdandelions.  Check out what she's harvesting, as well as what many, many others are harvesting!


Hope you all have a fantastic day!


  1. Very nice! That basket looks so pretty with the mixed bean colors!

  2. It is so yellow! Very pretty. Our jalapenos are also producing, even though the plants are not even a foot tall. Silly plants.

  3. I just love colorful tomato baskets! Congratulations on your squash! I got one tiny one, still working on a full size one. The baby did not go to waste! I love all the colors in the beans. Mine look like that too! I wish I could find some pink ones for my daughter! Ha ha! Good harvest for you!

  4. You must love the color yellow. Your harvest is so bright and cheery.

  5. Most people love a red harvest. I cannot say that too many can boast such a yellow harvest (at least this week ;) )

  6. Thanks everyone! I'm enjoying the yellow this year, though I am looking forward to a few other colors, as well! They're all just taking their sweet time! Silly veggies!!!


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