Wednesday, July 6, 2011

(Un)finished Projects

We finally finished the roofing on the Chicken Mansion!!!  If you remember, we built the massive mansion a couple of months ago thinking that it was almost complete.  As time has passed, it has become apparent that it needed some roofing so as to avoid wet chickens through the (as of yet imaginary) monsoon season and the eventual winter months.

Aerial view of the coop from a couple of months ago, before the new roof and before we removed the old coop

Side view of the coop before the new roof
Luckily, my dad is a contractor and has a never ending supply of random construction materials just lying around.  Not only did we score the roofing and the screws, but he also cut/grinded it all to the correct measurements!

All done and water proof!!!

We also finished setting up the final 65 gallon rain barrel!  We are now officially prepared for the rain to fall!!! Now, we just need it to actually fall...

Magically, after almost every single rain here, we have a rainbow...or two :-)

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