Thursday, July 7, 2011

Garden Happiness(es)

Mini Orb Weaver trying to set up shop between the two going-to-seed-lettuces

Lettuce, going to seed

Tomatoes!  I am so super excited about all of my grown-from-seed tomatoes this year!  It's my first attempt!!!

Lemon Cucumber flowers :-)

Apples on one branch of one of the Frankenstein trees

Kale & beets greens getting ready to be sauteed

The second planting of sweet corn...definitely not "knee high by the fourth of July", but at least it's UP!

Our first pumpkin flower!

Another shot of the itty bitty sweet corn

The rhubarb is making a come back!  It completely died back about a month ago, and then suddenly it was back!

Pole beans as a cover crop until it's time to put in the fall plantings.

Aerial view of the blue corn in the front yard.  Some of it is almost up to my shoulder!

Yellow Taxi Tomatoes!  At last count there were 21 tomatoes on this one plant!

Dirt + water = happy chickens!

Yes, the tomatoes are in a raised bed, but they're almost as tall as I am!  Holy hell!!!

Happy Gardening!


  1. Thanks, Allison! Who knew it would take so much work to just grow a couple of veggies?!? ;-)


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