Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Morning

A few things I love about Sunday mornings:
  • Hot tea on a cool patio
  • The clucking of the chickens
  • Raspberry Ginger jam on challah bread 
  • Limited traffic/noise 
And a few pictures about what has been accomplished so far today...

Garden plans for late summer and fall plantings

Broccoli & buckwheat in the 4X5 bed
(to go with the bush beans that are already growing)

Straw that was removed from the 4X5 bed and then added to the corn in the back...
...because the wind whips off the back of the house and I can't seem to keep straw down as a mulch...
hence all the exposed soil :-(

Pretty Red Lady looking for breakfast

My (first) breakfast on the back porch while the rest of the house slept
Happy Sunday everyone!  Hope your day is as calm as I intend mine to be!

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