Monday, July 18, 2011

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!!!

This weeks harvest was very exciting because it was another first for us!  We harvested all our onions!!!

We also had our first harvest of our second round of spinach!  While a few of the plants have gone to seed already, most of them are quite happy in the shade!

This weeks totals:
Onions - 8 pounds*
Spinach - 2 ounces
Carrots - 4 ounces
Snap Peas - 1 ounce
Mint - 1 ounce**

*this total is before any trimming, so this will need to be updates once they cure and are put in storage.

**Can you believe pics this time!?!?   

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne at daphnesdandelions.  Check out what she's harvesting, as well as what many, many others are harvesting!



  1. Your carrots look so nice! And your onions look great too!!

  2. Your spinach, carrots & onions look great.

  3. Pretty carrots. Great onions. Love the colors in your harvest. Can't believe your still getting peas.

  4. Oh what pretty carrots. I love the different carrot colors. I still haven't found one that is as good tasting for fresh eating as the orange ones though.

  5. Thanks everyone! I'm glad for a little variety and color :-)

    Shawn Ann - I've found a spot in the garden that gets almost no sun, but lots of heat...the peas seem to love it there! I'm even thinking about doing a third planting!

    Daphne - I am newly in love with my purple carrots! This is the first year I've succeeded in growing them and I couldn't be happier!

  6. Pretty colors! Hooray for onions!


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