Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Garden Happiness(es)

Hilled up potatoes!

A corner of our back yard

Fantastic sunset shot from the back yard

Chickens like beets :-)

The Butternut Squash is starting to run!

Snap Peas and beans starting the long climb!

Beans make for a pretty cover crop

Spinach (second planting) under a tree in the front yard

Mint and a transplanted tomato...couldn't tell you what kind it is will just have to be a surprise!

The two Newbies (AKA Thing One & Thing Two) like to stand on  top of their food bins to say HELLO!

The pumpkins are running!!!

Pretty honey suckle

The first pumpkin...isn't it cute!?

Pole beans & radishes

The second planting of carrots!

Do you see what is wrong with this sunflower???  It looks like it's doing a little dance :-)

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