Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fire, Ash, Heat & Drought

As those of you who live here know, and those of you who don't have probably heard, there is a fire raging right on the edge of Los Alamos.  The whole town is evacuated, in need of food, shelter, compassion and a quick return to their (intact) homes.  At last count, the fire was very close to 70,000 acres and knocking on the door of the Labs.  Now, Los Alamos is not Santa Fe, but it's just over the mountain and given that LANL is radioactive and nuclear, it's a little too close for comfort.  I won't get into the fear of it all (I  have been trying to guard myself against it, remembering that Los Alamos has burned before and we now only glow green if you see us in the right light) but I will share a couple of pics.

There are no words that can properly describe the devastation that is tearing across my beloved Jemez Mountains, but the smoke it's all creating makes for some phenomenal sunset shots.

There is ash everywhere.  On my car, on my beets, tomatoes & kale, and in my lungs.

The chickens are laying less eggs.  Two eggs from 5 laying hens over the course of a day is not the norm.  Maybe it's the heat, maybe it's the ash in the air, but they're not happy.

I've talked about our drought before, but this has been a terrifying season with over 800 wild fires so far in the month of June.  Do a rain dance, pray, send intentions out to the universe, hope, hope, hope for a strong monsoon season!  Keep us all in your thoughts...

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