Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bee Factoids

We checked on our bees again this weekend and have found 8 separate combs being built...one almost entirely completed!  The work these little guys are putting into their new home never ceases to amaze me!  They look happy and healthy and seem to be doing wonderfully despite the crazy temperatures and horrible drought we've been experiencing!

Now, I love honey bees.  I love all bees, but I especially love honey bees!  Here are just a few reasons for my love of honey bees:

  • Bees visit approximately 2 million flowers to produce a mere pound of honey
  • Honey can be used to help fight infection as has been used in the past to treat and dress wounds
  • Bees must eat 8-10 pounds of honey in order to produce one pound of wax
  • Honey is yummy while being full of probiotics, vitamins and enzymes
  • Bees use their wings as fans to evaporate the water in the nectar they've created in their bellies using the pollen they've collected into honey they (and we) eat
  • My name means "honey bee"


  1. Isn't it amazing how quickly bees build wax comb?

  2. I love it! They're so perfect at what they do!


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