Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Early (Chicken) Gets the Worm

You know that compost overhaul I talked about a couple of days ago?   Well, apparently there was a wealth of worms living in one of the bales of straw.  When I went into the coop to freshen up the Ladies water a couple of days after putting the bales in their run, one of the Ladies had her head completely shoved under one of the bales. Curious, I flipped it over and discovered what was no less than 100 worms slithering their way back into the bale and away form the Ladies! Madness ensued!

The Ladies started squawking and pushing each other out of the way!  I ran into the house to grab my camera because, of course, it was the one morning I didn't bring it in the coop with me and by the time I got back into the coop, half the worms were already eaten!

I cannot take credit for the action/blurriness of the below photos...they were all just so excited!!!

Holy cow, were they excited!  Now, I'm sure all those worms could have done some amazing work in our compost pile, but the chickens sure did appreciate their protein packed, wiggly treat!  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right!?



  1. Hey there Bee Girl - good morning! Oh how fun! I would have loved to see that in person! I just can't wait to have some "girls" of my own. I read about the adventures of others who have chickens and sometimes I just get so impatient! I want chickens NOW! Unfortunately I will have to wait a bit longer - until we move up to our future homestead. Soon, soon.

    1. Oh yes, chickens are a joy! Patience can be a hard thing when you know what you want and have to wait for it. Luckily, there are many people keeping chickens who can inspire you while your wait ;-) Thank you for popping over!

  2. Reminds me of the fabric outlet sales my mom dragged me to as a child. Women (old hens, more like it) fighting over bolts of fabric. I just cowered under the tables until it was time to leave. Thanks for sharing on the HomeAcre Hop. Please come back and join us again this week: http://everythinghomewithcarol.com/the-self-suffi…homeacre-hop-9/

  3. I chose this post as one of my features this week for the HomeAcre Hop. Make sure to come by and get your button.


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