Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Reuniting Kids w/ Nature - Bird Feeders


Natural materials (pine cones or sticks) or an empty, plastic water bottle, etc, peanut butter, bird seed, a butter knife, string, scissors

15 - 60 minutes

  1. This activity can get very messy!  If it can be done  outside, perfect!  If not, be sure to do it on top of a table cloth that can get dirty!
  2. Gather up the materials you will use as the base of your feeder.
  3. Pick the end that will be your top and tie a piece of string to it about inches long (you will use this later to hang up your feeder
  4. Use your butter knife to carefully smear the peanut butter onto your “feeder”
  5. Once your feeder is coated in peanut butter, carefully roll it in your bird food
  6. Find a tree, bush or other high spot to place your feeder, hang it up and watch it from afar!

Why might it be important to help feed our local birds?  How many different birds have you seen by watching your feeder?

Did you know that there are over 900 species of wild birds in North America alone?  How many species do you think there might be on our entire planet?

Did you know that peanut butter can help remove tree sap from your hands?  Simply “wash your hands with peanut butter by rubbing the PB on your hands and affected area, then wash your hands normally with soap and warm water!  Viola! 

  • Keep a jar of peanut butter just for making bird feeders and label it so you don’t have to worry about it getting gross!
  • If you are allergic to peanut butter, you can use shortening or a little honey instead!
  • Purchase bird seed that is known to be beneficial and favored by your local birds!

This activity is part of a series of low cost, hands on activities that can be used by anyone who has a passion for nature and who believes that a child's time spent in nature is not only important, but necessary.  Each activity was either created by me or gathered from a variety of sources.  You can find the complete list of all of the activities on my Nature Activities tab.


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