Friday, July 5, 2013

Ever Growing Sponsor & Giveaway - Bee's Wrap

I am very excited to bring you Ever Growing Sponsor Bee's Wrap!  Here's a little about Bee's Wrap in Sarah's own words:

Beeswax and cloth food storage alternative- 
The “new” old fashioned alternative to plastic wrap.

Wrap a sandwich, cheese, vegetables, and cover a bowl!  Use the warmth of your hands to mold the Bee's Wrap to create a seal around the top of a bowl, half of a lemon, the end of a crusty loaf of bread, or wrap a piece of cheese. When cool the wrap stiffens holding its shape and seal. Wash in a cool water, use again and again.  
Keeps food fresh naturally!

Bee Girl: Tell us a little about what inspired you to begin Bee's Wrap and how you got started. 

Sarah: Good food has always been central to our home life. I grow and preserve most of our vegetables, we milk goats, raise sheep, pigs and chickens. Our lives revolve around the garden and kitchen. As a stay at home mother of three I had to find a way to bring in additional income, but wanted to stay at home and be creative. I became enchanted with all the shades of muslin, old flour sack, drawing with my sewing machine and adding scraps of trimmings, lace, yarn. Then enters the beeswax and my fanciful creations become functional and I had a product on my hands that was practical, good for the environment and our family.  This is where Bee's Wrap came into my life.

Bee Girl: Tell us about your vision for Bee's Wrap.

Sarah: My ideal would be that Bee's Wrap and all waxed cloth becomes common place in the kitchen as a plastic wrap alternative.  Right now it is new and intriguing, but I believe there is potential for it to become commonplace, just as glass containers have replaced plastic in many many homes.

Bee Girls: Small steps can affect great change. Please share with us your current favorite "green" tip or trick that helps you to be gentler on the earth.

Sarah: Besides using Bee's Wrap instead of plastic wrap....greens and herbs such as kale, chard, arugula, basil, dill, and cilantro keep beautifully in a glass of water on the kitchen counter or a windowsill.  Just trim the ends and stick in a couple of inches of water.  No need for plastic bags or to have to stuff all those beautiful summer greens into your crisper drawer!  It looks pretty too.

Bee's Wrap, set of 3 sizes

For this weeks giveaway, Bee's Wrap is generously offering up their set of 3 sizes to one lucky winner!

Good luck!

Please note that my standard giveaway rules apply.

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  1. What a clever idea! I would love to win and try this!

  2. This is so cool!! Also, yay bees!

  3. I'd love to use this type of wrap! I'm hesitant to leave my email address so publicly in the comments, but you can easily find it on my blog (or just leave a comment there) if I'm chosen. Thanks for the offer!

  4. What a neat idea! I love how Eco friendly it is :)

  5. thanks for this giveaway! ive been wanting to try beeswrap!! mudchildtuesday(at)yahoo(dot)com

  6. Awesome idea! This is the first I've heard of it!

  7. thanks for the giveaway! writetocasey(at)gmail(dot)com

  8. I've seen this around and even been interested in trying to make my own, but getting the real thing would be awesome.

  9. Awesome idea! I'll have to check them out!


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