Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Zucchini Pizza

I know I've mentioned my brother and his girlfriend before, in the context of their music, but have I ever mentioned that they are also free spirits that make really yummy (and healthy) food?  Well then...

A couple of weeks ago, right before Brother and E left on tour, Tool Lady and I stopped by their house and were given a taste of something E just "threw together"!

Brother & E
This pic was posted on facebook and taken by one of their friends,
Theresa Anderson, at a wedding they attended.  Gorgeous pic!

What was it?  A vegan, raw, zucchini pizza!

What?  Yep, that's right...all veggie, no dough and it tastes just like pizza!  Crazy!  When I asked for a recipe, E said she didn't have one, she literally just threw her ingredients in the blender and slapped it on some sliced zucchini!

So, I've tried to make it a couple of times, and it's great!  Even though I've not perfected the recipe, I thought I'd share it anyway because it's so good and so simple!

Take about 1/2 half pound of tomatoes and throw them in the blender with a 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon of dried basil, 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder and 1/4 cup of roasted, salted sunflower seeds.  Blend it up and set it aside.  Next, slice up 2 small to medium zucchinis and lay them out in your dehydrator.  Spoon your tomato mixture onto your zucchini slices, put the lid on your dehydrator, turn it on to Low and leave it alone for 12-18 hours.

That's it!  Simple, healthy, yummy, non-pizza!  I make ours with roasted sunflower seeds, which probably makes it not raw, but of course, you can change that if you wish :-)



  1. Great recipe to share! I would not have thought of it..but wow, looks delicious!! A food dehydrator is on my Christmas list.

  2. Yes! I got my dehydrator last Christmas! They're so wonderful!

  3. Wow that will good for diet as it is has far more less carbohydrate than the usual pizza. Look good!

  4. How interesting. I have an old dehydrator so it probably would take longer. Do you dehydrate until completely dry?

  5. Malay-Kadazan girl - Yes! And a perfect little snack!

    Wilderness - It might take a it longer. I do dehydrate them until they're completely dry, but you can play with this! I've also turned on the dehydrator over night, then turned it off while gone at work all day to find them perfectly dry in the evening!

  6. They look really cool and the food looks delicious!


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