Friday, November 4, 2011

DIY - Dryer Maintenance

What do you do when your dryer is squeaking something awful?  Call someone in?  Spend hundreds of dollars?  Hell no.  Not if you're Tool Lady!

The amount of lint inside all the twists and turns?
Enough for a fire hazard!

 Instead, you do some research, make a hypothesis about what might be making all that racket, grab a screw driver, pull the whole thing apart, slice your finger open, get it bandaged up, figure out what's wrong, go to the appliance supply place, spend $3.99, come back home and put it all back together again.

The root of all the squeaking.  Amazing.

Yep, that's my Lady :-)

Linking up to Homestead Barn Hop #35


  1. Oh man, I wish! I am impaired in the fix-it category...great job!

  2. Does she have any brothers or sisters? :)

  3. Hanni - Yeah, she gets quite inspired often!

    Laura - LOL...she does, but they're all married ;-)

  4. Wow, a dryer ? It's always interesting to see how other "cultures" do things, I have never even owned one, a dryer that is. The clothes hang out on the line, the sun does it's thing.

    No carbon pollution from burning electricity, no money spent on electricity, money saved in purchasing and money saved in repairs.

    I DO appreciate the DIY approach though. good job :)

    1. Trevor, thank you for your perspective! I think it is very easy to get sucked into what is generally accepted in this country (in our consumerist culture) and forget (or not even acknowledge) that there are other options. You've reminded me, through your simple comment, of some deeper consequences to our chosen lifestyle (and I say "our" in the immediate sense and the larger sense). Thank you!


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