Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Chicken, with a side of Arsenic

Are you freakin' kidding me?!?!

OK, so we know that factory farms are bad...real bad.  And we know that the conventional meat on our plates is pumped full of hormones and antibiotics.  We also know that Arsenic is bad, right?  That Arsenic is one of those things that should not be consumed, right?  It is known to cause cancer.  So, can someone please tell me why the FDA would allow Arsenic  to be in the chicken that the majority of Americans are eating?  Oh, by the way, it's in the beef, too.  Why?  Because the cows are eating the Arsenic laden chicken shit, which means the Arsenic is in their systems and, by default, in the meat being sold to you.  Wow.  Our systems never cease to amaze me.  Yep, click on the little Arsenic link and prepare to be pissed, disgusted and ready to revolt.  If you're not angry, you should be.  Raise your own or buy local and really get to know what's going into the food you're putting into your body.


  1. ugh - yesterday it was beaver butt in ice cream (no joke!) and today it is arsenic in meat :( Sadly, why am I not surprised?

  2. WOW how scary! I wonder if its the same in Australia! holey moley!

  3. Is it really so hard to farm chickens without all the crap they put into them? I do find things like this just so frustrating - I am sitting here trying to convince myself that this doesn't happen in Australia - but I suspect it does.

  4. Awww, a little arsenic won't kill you. Oh wait, it will!

  5. Allison - The *funny* thing is, people are still eating all these things! Are we sheep?! I mean, really!

    Phoebe - Not sure if it's the same in Australia...that's probably worth looking into.

    Liz - It's all about the money. How much money can I make for how little output. It's really disgusting on so many levels!

    Laura - Right?!


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