Wednesday, November 30, 2011

101 in 1001

Well, I'm sure some of you (if not all of you) have heard about a little project called the Day Zero Project.  It's premise is that you create a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days.  This gives you about 2.75 years to accomplish your pre-set goals.  Now, each goal has to be specific (no ambiguity allowed) with it's result being measurable or clearly defined.  The tasks should be realistic, but should also stretch you a bit.

Well, I love lists.  Creating them and crossing items off  of them brings me such a sense of accomplishment.  Sometimes, when working a list, I will add items I've completed that weren't originally on the list just so I can cross them off.  True story.  Silly, I know, but true.

Anyhow, back to 101 in 1001...I have created similar lists for the past few years, but they were always items to be accomplished with the following year.  This time frame gives me a bit more room to stretch myself.  I figured that yesterday (my 35th birthday) was a good time to start another list.  I have created a tab at the top of this page that will take you to my newly created list.  This is where I will track all of my accomplishments.  I may blog about a few things here and there, but only if the moment moves me.  I don't really see the necessity in telling you about every single book I read, but I might want to tell you about the Medicinal Herbs workshop I'm planning to take once I've actually signed up for it or completed it!

Alright, on to the actual list!

Start date: November 29, 2011 
End Date: August 26, 2014
(To calculate 1001 days from now, go here)

101 in 1001

Mind/Peace of Mind
1.       Read 5 “classic” novels
2.       Read 30 (additional) books
3.       Watch 5 “classic” movies
4.       Get Life Insurance
5.       Update, sign and notarize Will
6.       Purchase Life Insurance Policy
7.       Graduate with my BA
8.       Unplug at least once a month in 2012
9.       Unplug at least once every 2 weeks in 2013
10.   Unplug once a week in 2014
11.   Shred all non-necessary/misc. paperwork
12.   Clean up and consolidate my various email accounts
13.   Learn how to shoot a gun
14.   Complete all Christmas shopping/creating before Thanksgiving

15.   Find out my blood type
16.   Donate blood
17.   Get a massage
18.   Get new eye glasses
19.   Go to the dentist
20.   Lose 10 pounds
21.   Buy my own bicycle
22.   Go on a day hike (X3)
23.   Do 50 sit ups every day for 66 days
24.   Do 30 pushups every day for 66 days
25.   Do 50 jumping jack every day for 66 days
26.   Drink 70 ounces of water every day for 66 days
27.   Complete Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

28.   Listen to a live Jazz band
29.   Go to a concert
30.   Paint 12 paintings in 2012
31.   Paint 13 paintings in 2013
32.   Paint 14 paintings in 2014
33.   Volunteer a minimum of 2 times in 2012
34.   Volunteer a minimum of 3 times in 2013
35.   Volunteer a minimum of 4 times in 2014
36.   Have a snowball fight
37.   Make a Snow Angel
38.   Leave 10 Operation Beautiful notes in 10 different places
39.   Meditate every single day (it doesn’t matter how long, just do it) for 66 days
40.   Participate in a Shamanistic Journey workshop
41.   Practice a random act of kindness (X10)
42.   Host a giveaway on my blog (X3)
43.   Learn a new crochet stitch
44.   Donate my hair to Locks of Love 
45.   Visit Shidoni just to lay in the grass
46.   Take a pottery class

Family & Friends
47.   Attend the Wine & Chile Fiesta
48.   Have a Future Retreat/planning/brainstorming day with Tool Lady
49.   Get Grandpa Dutch’s photos developed
50.   Go through all of Grandma Eve’s writing and organize it
51.   Go through all of Mom’s remaining stuff and organize it
52.   Send minimum of 24 cards or postcards to friends or family (Que Viva Snail Mail)
53.   Go on a picnic
54.   Write a Love Letter
55.   Host a Clothing Exchange
56.   Fulfill 2011 Pay It Forward commitment (facebook)
57.   Give Aunt Kim Cosmos seeds from our garden
58.   Go camping (x3)
59.   Host a Game Night
60.   Go ice skating
61.   Visit the Grand Canyon
62.   Visit White Sands
63.   Create a photo album of 2010-2011 digital photos
64.   Create a photo album of 2012-2013 digital photos
65.   Create a photo album of 2013-2014 digital photos
66.   Send someone a care package
67.   Update photos on Living Room shelves
68.   Watch a meteor shower

69.   Increase 2011 vegetable garden yield (in pounds) by minimum of 10% in 2012
70.   Increase 2012 vegetable garden yield (in pounds) by minimum of 10% in 2013
71.   Increase 2013 vegetable garden yield (in pounds) by minimum of 10% in 2014
72.   Host a Seed Saving Exchange
73.   Learn how to sew 3 new items (bag, apron, quilt...)
74.   Plant an herb garden
75.   Clear out sidewalk area and back triangle…replant with drought tolerant perennials
76.   Give someone flowers, cut from our yard
77.   Create an emergency preparedness plan
78.   Re-decorate the Guest Room
79.   Participate in 3 workshops around homesteading or preparedness topics
80.   Make one Thanksgiving meal completely sourced from our garden & local sources
81.   Can/preserve a minimum of 2 new items in 2012
82.   Can/preserve a minimum of 3 new items in 2013
83.   Can/preserve a minimum of 4 new items in 2014
84.   Learn how to grill (really)
85.   Cull a chicken
86.   De-clutter the guest room closet, Hobbit closet and my drawer in the our bathroom
87.   Make a headboard for our bed

88.   Figure out exactly how much credit card debt I have
89.   Pay down credit card debt by a minimum of 50%
90.   Accrue no new credit card debt
91.   Save $10 for every goal completed
92.   Save all change (coins) for 1001 days)
93.   Pay in cash for all wants
94.   Have a garage sale in 2012
95.   Have a garage sale in 2013
96.   Have a garage sale in 2014
97.   Purge books (sell back, giveaway or donate)
98.   Participate in a minimum of one Holiday or Arts & Crafts Fair
99.   Hand make every gift I give for one year (2012 or 2013)
100.   Don’t eat out for a full month
101.   Purchase a maximum of one coffee-type beverage per week, and only from a local coffee shop, for 6 months     

Alright!  Wow...that's a lot of crossing off to do! 
 Wish me luck!

Please don't forget to enter in my giveaway!  You have until Friday at midnight(ish)!             


  1. Yay! Glad you are doing this too! I have not blogged about any of mine because I've been so busy getting them done :). Your list looks great!

  2. Whooooo, boy! I hadn't heard of this challenge, but I like a good challenge. I love a challenge with a list! Seriously considering...

  3. Ack! I L-O-V-E lists! And yours is a great one.

    I'm passing the "Liebster Blog Award" to you :)

    Thank you for your inspiring blog!

  4. Kelly - YES! Thanks for being so inspiring! I look forward to seeing your updates!!!

    Kaye - Oooohhh...I'll look forward to seeing what you come up with! It's a bit daunting, but I'm super excited about it!

    Jaime - THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I am so honored that you think so highly of my little blog because I think your blog is absolutely beautiful and completely fantastic!!! :-)

  5. Scary! Hahaha. 101 seems like alot, how did you think of all these and how long did it take?

  6. Laura - It does seem like a lot! But with almost 3 years to complete them all it feels totally doable! I probably spent about a month, jotting things down, searching the internet for ideas, looking at my past lists and then tightening it all up. But I wasn't in a rush, so it was fine :-) Are you thinking about doing it??? We could cheer each other on!

  7. Wow, I love this idea! And you came up with some amazing things. Mind if I steal a few? Like reading 5 classic novels? And watching 5 classic movies? That's something I always tell myself I want to do and don't. With the quiet and peace of the farm, I see no reason I shouldn't get to that. Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. 1st Man - It's fun, for sure! I spent a while coming up with them all, and of course, you can use some of them! Maybe we can compare notes :-)


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