Thursday, September 26, 2013

How to Re-Hydrate Dried Cranberries

Have you ever wanted to make a recipe with fresh cranberries only to find that cranberries aren't in season or easily available?  Yeah, not fun, right? Luckily, dried cranberries are pretty much always available and are super simple to re-hydrate for your recipe!


  • Measure out the amount of cranberries needed for your recipe and pour them into a bowl or a pot
  • Pour enough hot water over the cranberries to cover them all
  • Cover your bowl or pot to keep in the heat
  • Let sit for 20-30 minutes
  • Pour off water* and strain the cranberries
  • Use just as you would fresh cranberries

Keep in mind:

3/4 cup dried cranberries = 1 cup re-hydrated cranberries

Easy-peasy, right? Gotta love it!

*Water-wise tip 
When straining or rinsing foods, catch the water in a large bowl instead of letting it run down the drain, then water your compost pile with it!


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1 comment:

  1. Great tip! I have a cranberry bread recipe that I love, love, love!...but only make when cranberries are in season. :) Now I can make it anytime of year! Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop! Hope you'll stop by again today :)


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