Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Versatile Blogger

Wow!  I am so happy and honored to have been given this award by my fellow blogger and *virtual* friend 1st Man over at Two Men and a Little Farm!  I love knowing that people actually enjoy reading my writing :-)  Thanks 1st Man!!!

So, now what?  How about a little fun?

The rules are simple:

  1. Thank the person who gave you the award
  2. Link back to their blog
  3. Add an image of the award on your blogs sidebar
  4. Choose blogs/bloggers you enjoy and nominate them by linking to their blog and then let them know by posting a comment on one of their recent posts. (Note: the official rules state that you should choose 15 bloggers to honor, but...whoa...I picked 6 that I'm either brand new to or that I've thoroughly enjoyed for a while now and don't think they've been honored yet.)
  5. Share 7 things about yourself

Alright, here are a few of favorite blogs and bloggers:
  • Ngo Family Farm - Jaime has a beautiful blog that makes me smile every time I read it.  She is absolutely inspiring. Oh, and her photos?  Always gorgeous!!!
  • Barefoot Five - Brooke writes a beautiful blog, rich with pieces of her life and her family.  She loves to sprinkle poetry into each of her posts, which I appreciate and love.  A lot.
  • seven spoons - Tara blogs about the amazing food she creates and shares with her loved ones.  However, the magic is in her stories.  She pulls you into whatever she's talking about and makes you feel right at home...Beautiful.
  • Girl on Bike - Kendra is generally super busy doing all of the thing she writes about from time to time.  Busy doing things like riding her bike everywhere, organizing super cool swaps I wish I could attend and, oh yeah, WWOOFing in Hawaii!  Super jealous?  Yep, that's me :-)
  • The Unusual Farm Chick - I am new to this blog and am still poking around!  Tammie's been blogging forever, so there's lots to catch up on, but I'm enjoying catching up on all her adventures!
  • The Joy of Farming - Sophie seems to enjoy everything she does, it just comes through in her writing, which makes it a joy to read each of her posts.

7 (random) factoids you might enjoy...
  1. My middle name is Vision. (Yes, that is my given name.  The story goes...when my mom was pregnant with me she had a dream about what I was going to look like.  When I was born, I looked exactly as I had in her dream.  The fact that I'm a child of the '70s might explain a bit, too.)
  2. I would love, love, love to work from home and make my living as an artist (while growing all our own food and living off the land, of course).
  3. I was a teen mom, but have busted butt for the past 16+ years to not become another statistic.
  4. My maternal grandma and grandpa started Sessions Records, which might explain my incredible love for all things Jazz :-)  You can read more here if you like.
  5. I have only had 2 jobs in my adult life (9 years at a restaurant doing everything and going on 8 years at my current non-profit job, again, doing a little of everything)
  6. After years of seeing & experiencing things that some might call a little...well...woo-woo, I finally studied clairvoyant meditation.  I can see see energies, do psychic & past life readings (and healings) and am constantly learning about all things spirit and energy related.  Yes, this ties in to, I don't believe in coincidences...yes, I do hope that doesn't freak you out too badly ;-)
  7. In all my life, I have never lived more than 20 miles from where I live right now.  And I'm not sure whether that is exciting or terrifying...
Alright, I hope you'll pop on over to some of my favorite blogs and see what they're up to!  Happy reading!


  1. Congrats on your award, well deserved! I have already popped over to visit 1st Man and loving their blog - seems we are all kindred spirits : ) I will gradually find my way to the others you mentioned. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Ha! Thanks for being a part of the blog love!!! We are definitely kindred spirits!

  2. Aw, you are way too kind! Thanks for including me in your nominations list and for your sweet words about my blog :) I love yours, too, as you know ;)

    1. Jaime, but of course :-) I look forward to seeing who you'll introduce me to when you post your favorites!

  3. My name is Cloud. :) It happened to be raining at the time i was born, which is a good feat for Arizona.

    1. Ha! I love it! Thanks for sharing your name with me!!!


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