Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Newest Newbies!

Our new chicks are in and are officially the cutest little ladies ever!  I'll post more about how we plan to build a new brooder and expand the chicken run to accommodate our 9 new cuties (3 Ameraucanas, 3 Australorps & 3 Buff Orpingtons) , but for now, let's just enjoy the cuteness for a bit...


Yay for backyard chickens and intense cuteness!


  1. Awe so cute. I love little chicks. I just said..."can we go get some chiks tomorrow?" We already have buff orpingtons, I want to add some more variety. Yours girls are so cute. :)

  2. WOW they are adorable! I think baby chicks have got to be the cutest things ever, enjoy them :) I miss my hens now :(

  3. SO Gorgeous and takes me instantly back to being 4 yrs old when I used to sit on the back door step with chicks on my lap and on my head! Will be watching progress with interest : )


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