Monday, February 20, 2012

365 Days Ago...

It's my Blog-iversary!!!

Yep, one year ago today I ventured into this space having really no idea what I was getting myself into!  Little did I know I was entering into a wonderful space of creativity, shared experiences, a love of writing, a knowledge base that is simply staggering (you all are quite phenomenal, you know that, right?!) and a whole lotta fun!

Now, at the time of this writing, if we stick to just the facts, we have:
  • 298 published posts (including this one)
  • 14,959 page views
These stats are just amazing to me!  A year ago I never would have guessed that I would have so much to say or that anyone would actually want to read any of it!

So, based on page views, what have some of your favorite posts been???
Looks like you all enjoy reading about how to do things as much as I enjoy writing about how we do things ;-)  Awesome!  But really...those are just statistics!  I would LOVE to hear what your favorite post has been!   Please share!

One of my favorites wasn't one of your favorites, but maybe it just got lost in the shuffle?  Or maybe it was just too gross for some you?  Understandable.  Regardless, I loved writing And Then There Were Seven!!!  I look forward to more culling in our future.  Hmmm..."looking forward" to culling sounds kind of strange, but you know what I mean, right?!

Now, the intention behind the creation of this blog was to allow myself a space to share our adventures in Urban Homesteading as well as to share information with anyone who might be looking for a glimpse into what we're doing and how we're doing it.  Now, while this blog is really about us and our experiences, we are also a part of a planet wide revolution of sorts now aren't we?  So, given that, Dear Reader, what would you like to see more of?  I am open to suggestions :-)  Recipes?  DIY?  Poetry?  Gardening?  Chickens?  Bees?  Feel free to give me specifics and then I can evaluate what I think I'm capable of writing about ;-)

Lastly, thank you all for being a part of my blogging community!  I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to get to know each of you a bit through your blog postings and comments and look forward to the continued sharing of Blog Love that I have grown to love so much!  You all are Rock Stars!  Thank you for being you!


  1. I would enjoy hearing about bees. I find them fascinating and would love to have a bee hive in my back yard. I don't know if we could pull it off with the neighbors, but ...

    I have enjoyed your blog, since I have found it, so don't change too much. :)

    1. Bees it is! I'm not sure our neighbors know about our bees...maybe? They don't mind our chickens, so we just figured we'd stay quiet about it and see what happens :-)

      Thanks for visiting and enjoying my little space! I've enjoyed yours, too! You are a busy (and inspiring) woman!

  2. Wishing you a very, very happy blogoversary! I'm your newest follower! I can tell I'm going to love reading all of posts.

    1. Thank you! And thank you for finding me! YAY! I'm having fun poking around your blog!

  3. I found your Blog a few days ago and have added it into my Blog Roll. You are my first Blogger from the Lower Half of the World! Looking forward to reading all your posts from the first one up to today!
    Here in the NORTH, It is still Cold and Wet (NO Snow, Da- IT!). But Spring is Coming!
    Come on by my Blog when you get the chance worms-a and say HI!

    1. Tom! I've been *crawling* around your blog! I wish you lived closer...I'd be getting all my worms from you!

      We've been very short on snow this year, too. I'm hoping the snow pack on the peaks is enough to make a good dent in our continued drought, but I'm not quite convinced.

      Thanks for finding me and following along on our little journey!

  4. Happy Blog-iversary,
    Happy Blog-iversary,
    Happy Blog-iversary,
    HAAAAPY Blog-iversary...

    and many moooooooore!

    (trust me you don't want to hear me singing this, ha)

    1. HA! Thank you! I just might want to hear that live! Throw a couple of beers in us and we'd have a good ol' time, I'm sure ;-)

  5. very happy blogiversary! I am so glad i found your blog :) I'd like to request a new bee post, one about how you made your hive and how you got started. Im looking into building my own one and would love some advise :) xx

    1. Bees? DONE! I asked Tool Lady to pull together the plans she based our Top Bar hive off of. I'll post about it as soon as we get it all together :-)

      Thank you for always being so supportive and sweet! It's been a pleasure sharing this space with you! I look forward to seeing where our individual journeys take us :-)

  6. Happy Blog-iversary! I'm often amazed that people want to read what I write. But there is such a lovely sense of community in blogland. It is great to have you a part of it.

    1. Thanks, Judy! You're so kind! I have loved becoming part of this community and *meeting* each of you!

  7. Congrats! One year down, many more to go! I want to know more about bees, I am loving reading your posts as a new follower, thanks and congrats!

    1. I'm so glad you found me and that you're enjoying my posts! I've had fun poking around your blog, too! I will definitely post more about bees :-) There seems to be a bee theme happening in these comments, so I will happily oblige :-)

  8. Happy One Year Strong! This month was our 2 year anniversary of starting a blog as we began our search for land and/or house to start homesteading.

    What a wild ride right? I'm always amazed at what I learn about myself as I'm writing and editing myself. I think to myself "did I really just type that?" LOL

    I'm very glad to be able to see you and your family as you progress in life, because even though I come to hear about your adventures and your journey, I'm actually much more interested in seeing who you all become as people as you grow.

    1. Wow! Two years! Congratulations! It is definitely a wild ride!

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I look forward to seeing who you become throughout your journey as well! It's such an evolution! Constant, positive, forward motion, change :-) Cheers!!!

  9. Happy blog birthday to you!!! There is a revolution going on :) I'm with Astra - always love to hear about bees!


Thank you for taking the time to share your voice! Your feedback and perspectives in this space help it to feel so much less like a one sided conversation. I welcome and enjoy each and every one of your comments and will do my best to respond as quickly as possible. However, if you are here to promote a business or be unkind, please know that this is not the place to do so and such comments will be quickly deleted.