Friday, December 2, 2011

{this moment}

A Friday ritual.  
A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you feel inspired to share your moment, please leave a link to your moment in the comments below for all to see.

Please don't forget to enter in my giveaway!  
You have until midnight(ish) tonight!       


  1. I agree with Casey! But I am curious to know what you are making? :)


  2. Thats on my list to learn to do... Thanks for your comment too.

  3. Such a lovely fabric! I am going to learn how to sew soon, it's on the top of my list:) ~ Barefoot Mama

  4. A sewing moment... I love those moments (they're usually the quiet and peaceful ones).

    Here's a link to my moment:

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  5. Echoing louise and barefoot mama, the signs are showing up everywhere--I really must learn how to sew!!

    Here's my moment:


  6. Looks like you are creating something beautiful. Sewing is one of my favorite ways to start or end the day. Happy Weekend!

  7. Casey - Thanks! Remarkably, it was a Hobby Lobby find!

    Nelieta - Thanks! I'm making little bags to put my pendants in for mailing :-)

    Louise, Barefoot Mama and Jaime - Thanks for popping over! I'm very very new at sewing! The pouches I sewed wound up being my fourth try at a design! I'm completely learning as I go!

    Jennifer & Kat - Oh, how I long for the days when sewing will become peaceful! Right now, I'm so new at it, that it's a little stressful! BUT, I can totally see how it will become a bit of a meditation for me once I get the hang of it :-)

  8. I always love a sewing moment. It looks like you have been busy. Happy sewing and have a great weekend. Jacinta

  9. I'm still learning to sew too, but I'm usually relaxed enough now to enjoy it as a quiet meditation. That fabric is lovely. Your pouches will be beautiful.

  10. Jacinta - Yes! very busy, but happy-busy :-)

    tinsenpup - Thank you so much! The fabric was definitely a score and is one of my favorites :-)


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