Thursday, November 10, 2011

Seed Saving

Can you believe it?  Yep, I'm still saving seeds!  This batch, added to the last batch, gives me a total of 22 different seeds saved so far this year!

From Organic veggies planted and harvested from our yard we have butternut squash (grown form seeds grown in 2010, grown from seeds in 2009!!!), sweet red cherry tomatoes, green bell peppers and pie pumpkins.

From veggies acquired through our CSA we have spaghetti squash and a mystery bell pepper (almost black on the outside, green on the inside).  

I've also saved seeds from the huge Jack-o-Lantern pumpkins Tool Lady got from Sunflower Market for Halloween.  I don't think they're Organic, but I'll plant them separately and hope for some big pumpkins for carving next year.


  1. Great seed photos! I've been saving seeds myself.. in fact, I think every coat I have has seeds in the pockets! I need to be better organized like you obviously are! :)

  2. I have a brilliant organic seed collection going to waste... very little space in our rented home, I just hope most of them keep well for when we get our dream garden :) I couldn't save pumpkin seeds - too tasty lol I even roasted all the ones from my works' pumpkin carvings!!

  3. Niki - Thank you! I'm not always so organized :-) Before the seeds make their way into those sweet little packets, they usually live on our kitchen counter in various little bowls waiting to dry, being shuffled to and fro!

    Astra - I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get your dream garden sooner rather than later! Seeds are amazing in their resiliency! Your germination rates may be a bit off, but I'm confident they'll be fine! I hear you about the pumpkin seeds, though! I just have to tell myself that saving them ensures I'll have more to eat next year!!!


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