Thursday, November 3, 2011


Wishing you all a fabulous fall day!


  1. hi! thanks for your recent comments on my blog, i've got you added to the list of color photo participants now! :)

    i'm loving catching up on your blog! my parents (who live just a few miles from us) have a flock of Ameraucanas too!

  2. Lovely frost pictures! We have very mild winter here and escape frost. However a 45minutes drives up the hill will face frost in winter.

  3. Beautiful shots--signs of the season :) -Jaime

  4. anoffering - You're welcome! Thanks for hosting and thanks for visiting my little blog, I'm glad you're enjoying it! Yay for Ameraucanas! We do love our Ladies!!!

    Malay-Kadazan - Thank you! How wonderful to escape frost, though I might miss it if we didn't actually have it! ;-)

    Jaime - Thank you! I do love fall!!!


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