Friday, October 28, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment inspired by Soule Mama} -

A Friday ritual.  A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.


  1. What a harmonious moment. I love it!

  2. A great moment in the garden.

    Thanks for visiting our moment and have lovely weekend,


  3. Thank you for coming to my space and saying "hi". Your moment is lovely! I love the transition of seasons and you really captured that with this photo. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Barefoot Mama

  4. Sigh, Autumn! We have Spring here, it's raining today, and yesterday, and apparently tomorrow...

  5. Oh, so pretty! I just love fall colors. :)

  6. Thank you, everyone, for stopping by and for your comments! I really do just love fall and all of it's colors and smells and flavors! Hope you all are enjoying a wonderful weekend!

  7. What a lovely autumn moment. Hope your weekend was relaxing. Jacinta

  8. Thanks, Jacinta! And thanks for stopping by!


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