Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What the Heck is Growing with the Chives?!?


Can anyone tell me what the heck this plant is??? 

It's growing with the chives...

...has long, pretty vines...

...leaves that look like this up close...

...and it's tendrils hold on gently :-)

 It really is pretty and doesn't seem to be doing any harm, so I've left it, but I'm super curious.  If it's not poisonous or anything, I just might try to grow it as ground cover in some of my "un-growable" spaces.


  1. Just a guess, but it kinda looks like the wild morning glorys I have in my garden. I will try to remember to grab a pic of them tonight to compare!

  2. We call it bindweed here in Utah. Most call it wild morning glory. It's rhizomes can live beneath the soil for 50 years with no problems. And each flower produces 4 seeds. I use Weed-Free Zone to kill it - it has 2-4D in it along with some other stuff that really makes it go down into the root and kill it off even to future growth. (Round Up will not kill the rhizomes)

  3. oh and it will eventually strangle anything else it grows around. It can get really out of control. It will even take over a lawn. I fight it constantly because we back up to an alfalfa field.

  4. Thanks Allison & Beeks! It's interesting that it came up in a pot! I wonder how the seeds got there? The potting soil maybe? I just might try to save some seeds and grow it in a spot in the back yard where nothing will grow...


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