Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Newbie Eggs?

Last year, when our 5 Ameracaunas first started laying, we were greeted each day with a weird, shell-less, goopy thing that looked like it wanted to be an egg, but just wasn't quite sure how to get there.  This lasted for about 2 eggs per chicken and was real fun to clean up.

Needless to say, I was not looking forward to that process with our two Newbies.  I have been thinking it should be happening soon and have looked for the goopiness each day.  

Well, three days ago, we found something a little different in the nesting boxes.  This trend has continued each day since.  So, which one of these eggs is not like the other...?

Sunday, July 31

Monday, August 1

Tuesday, August 2

Yep, I think what we have here are Newbie eggs!!!  I think we have just skipped the whole goopy gross phase and zipped straight to the nice and tidy mini eggs!  Yipee!!!  And they're SO pretty and speckled!!!  YAY!!!


  1. :) That is so neat though to see the progession on the picutres. We plan on getting chicks in the Spring for eggs so I love reading all about this since I have NO clue!

  2. Allison, chickens are SO MUCH FUN!!! I can't recommend getting them highly enough! They're fun and silly and easy (once they're all set up) and lay the BEST eggs you'll ever eat!!! Once you're ready, feel free to ask any questions that come up...we were complete chicken newbies, too!!!


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