Monday, August 29, 2011

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!!!

This week was a jumble of harvesting and non-harvesting due to guests being in town and then a cold that caught me.

Some highlights are: the first blue corn that blue, lots of tomatoes, the very first lemon cucumber ever, lots of beans (these are all being blanched and frozen for winter use...anyone have a favorite recipe???), and a few jalapenos!

It's trying to be blue...just can't quite figure it out!

This weeks totals:
Tomatoes = 6 pounds 6 ounces
Corn = 10 ounces
Bush Beans = 2 pounds 8 ounces
Lemon Cucumber = 6 ounces
Jalapenos = 2 ounces
Basil = 1 ounce
Mint = 3 ounces

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne at daphnesdandelions.  Check out what she's harvesting, as well as what many, many others are harvesting!


Hope you all have a fantastic day!


  1. Nice harvest!

    Poor corn - it's confused! But I bet it still taste delish!

  2. Lemon cucumber? How does that taste and do you use it in any dishes? Lovely harvests!

  3. Leave the corn longer, it turns blue at a later stage! All colored corn is white before it turns...incredible. :) Beautiful pics!

  4. My Ruby queen corn was not quite solid ruby this year so I can relate! However, I have since read that corn loses most of it's sweetness if you let it turn completely so I guess I was better off. Did you grow it to eat fresh or to dry and make into meal?

  5. I agree to leave the corn longer. My ruby queen corn took longer to turn red. I have grown lemon cucumbers. My daughter likes them because they are more seedy than other cucumbers, son does not! They are mild. Very nice harvest!

  6. awesome harvests! i had the same problem with blue corn, ended up picking most of it white and it tasted amazing, then i left one ear to turn blue and it wasn't as good.

    thanks for stopping by my blog--i hadn't seen yours before either and i'll be back too. i think we're growing a lot of the same varieties. excellent taste in colorful veggies!


  7. Thanks everyone! I'll definitely leave the corn longer! The goal this year was to use the blue corn for corn meal for the first time! We'll see how that works out ;-)

    RandomGardener - This is our first year growing Lemon Cucumbers! They are quite mild and very seedy (which I like) with a thin skin. So far we've just eaten them raw and thrown them in water but I'm hoping to have enough to try my hand a pickling a few (I've heard they're great pickling cukes)!


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