Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Garden Happiness(es)

The sweet corn in the back yard seems to be's not even 3 feet tall, but it's starting to try to produce corn...weird!

The German Butterball Potatoes  are getting ready to flower!

The Butternut Squash is getting some color texture!

Bush Beans, Pole Beans and Snap Peas

Mystery tomatoes coming along.  I transplanted this guy and forgot to write down what he was!!!  Time will tell...

Blue Corn in front.  Some of it is over 8 feet tall!!!

Acorn Squash!

What a beautiful spiral this sunflower has!!!

The first Jack-o-lantern pumpkin



  1. I wish I could tell you! All our sunflowers this year are from seeds we've either saved or been given from saved! I just put a bunch in the ground and have been enjoying them as they bloom :-) I usually save the seeds and mark them as "short", "medium" or "giant"...we have some sunflowers that have grown upwards of 12 feet tall!!!


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