Saturday, July 9, 2011

Seed to Seed

A few months ago I decided to take the four season garden challenge hosted by Melinda over at One Green Generation.  The challenge is all about growing at least one new item in your yard each season. While some of the crops I mentioned in the initial posting about this challenge have failed (peanuts and echinacea) due to the incredibly hot and dry spring and summer we've had so far, others are doing wonderfully!  I've harvested lots (almost 5 pounds) of beets and still have some in the ground to harvest while our lemon cucumbers are growing wonderfully!  

I also took on the additional challenge of growing some veggies from seed to seed.  This is very exciting, but is also brand new to me, so I'm definitely in my learning zone!  

So far I have four different plants that are either going to seed or that I have already collected seeds from!

Lettuce.  This plant fell over, so the tendrils started growing UP, then when I stood it back up again, it looked like some crazy alien!

More lettuce.  This one is already flowering.  They may be little, but they sure are pretty!

Snap peas.  I love, love, love snap peas.  Yes, I know I've said it before, and I'll probably keep saying it.  There's really nothing like them  At least in my book.  It makes me very happy to be able to collect these seeds and know that I'll have snap peas growing in my yard in the future.  Yes, I am a nerd.

Kale.  This was our first year growing kale.  And, this was the first year I even tried kale.  That's right.  I was a 34 year old Kale Virgin.  Holy hell.  Anyhow, we planted late last fall (November) in the covered wagons.  So late, in fact, that it took what felt like forever for us to even be able to harvest our first leaf!  Since then, though, we have continually harvested about a pound a week and I am now officially addicted to kale!  Fantastic! are some seeds from veggies currently growing that I still hope to harvest this year:
Tomatoes (lots of varieties, but especially Italian Heirloom)
Sweet Corn
Blue Corn
Squash (summer & Butternut, grown from seeds I saved from last year)
Squash (winter - Acorn & Honey Boat)
Pumpkin (Jack-o-lantern & Pie)
Bell Peppers
Cucumbers (Lemon Cukes mentioned above, plus Straight Eights)

I am super excited to be able to save these seeds (and lots more) in order to add them to the garden next time around.  Aaaawww, the cycle of life ;-)  Yep, that's the nerd in me again!

What are you growing in your garden this year that you hope/plan to save seeds from???


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