Saturday, June 18, 2011

Out of the Box

Alright, I will be the first to admit that I am a creature of habit.  I know what I like, I enjoy the comfort of having a plan and of knowing what to expect and when.  While this can be a good thing, I am learning that it can also be quite constraining.  I don't know about you, but when I think about constraint, I don't think about comfort, let alone joy.

Over the past couple of years, through vegetable gardening, raising chickens and becoming a (brand new backwards) beekeeper I have truly learned the value of trying new things.  Now, the key is to not get complacent in what I've learned.  There is always more to learn.  There are always boundaries to push.  There are always boxes to step out of.  Especially when the box you're stepping out of is one you've built around yourself.

Now, since this is mainly a gardening/urban farming/learning-how-to-be-more-sustainable/self-sufficient blog with snippets of other topics, my goal is to stay within the boundaries I have created for myself in writing down my experiences thus far.  However, since this really is all about pushing boundaries, I can't make any (set-in-stone) promises.

Here are some of my ideas for future Out of the Box topics:
  • Learn how to butcher a chicken/stinkin' rooster
  • Explore crocheting with plastic bags
  • Explore weaving baskets using the surplus of pine needles in my back yard
  • Creating art/3D paintings on pieces of reclaimed wood
  • Make garlic powder from garlic grown in our garden
  • Learn how to can/preserve a minimum of 3 different veggies from our garden in 2011
  • Learn how to dehydrate a minimum of 3 different veggies from our garden in 2011
  • Explore creative ways to use all the random chicken feathers flying around our yard
  • Learn how to harvest honey from our bees
  • Make an Olive Oil Lamp
This list will no doubt grow and change, but I think this is a good start.  I'm also open to suggestions, so let me know if you have any :-)


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