Monday, June 13, 2011

Harvest Monday

This weeks harvest contains a bunch of the same ol' same ol' mixed with a pinch of exciting news!

Kale - 12oz
The three over wintered kale plants I left in are still going strong with no signs of stopping.  This may be an experiment in the making...
This has been dehydrated for future use in stews.

Snap Peas - 4oz
This was harvested from my first planting of peas.  While the peas are fantastic, the plants themselves are looking a little funky.  Not sure how much longer I'll be able to harvest peas, but my second and third plantings are growing well, so hopefully the lapse won't be too long.
Snack, snack, snacks!

Spinach - 13oz
I have pulled all the spinach (it was going to seed...hybrid seeds that i am not interested in keeping for future use) and am going to plant some bush beans to heal the soil a bit before my fall planting.
This was blanched and frozen for future use.

The spinach before it's final harvest along side the patient garlic just waiting to be dug out.

Garlic - one head (about .5oz on the scale)
This harvest was premature, but as I was checking on the heads last weekend, I figured I'd pull one out and inspect it.  It's little, but it went from one clove (planted last November) to what looks like 7 or 8 cloves of magical yumminess!  Well, once it's cured it will be magic!

We also had a single carrot that was left in the bed when the spinach seeds went in.  When I pulled all the spinach out to prepare the bed for the next round, the carrot had to go, too.  Fish Girl stated that it was "a little bitter, but mostly good".  Well, I'd be bitter too if I'd been forgotten for months ;-)

Harvest Monday is hosted by Daphne at daphnesdandelions.  Check out what she's harvesting, as well as what many, many others are harvesting, as well!

Happy harvesting!!!


  1. I envy those 8 cloves of garlic you have! Mine doesn't seem to have done well this year :(

  2. Wish we have that many spinach;-). Congrats on your first garlic the rest will assuredly growing well in gives many cloves too.

  3. Oooh! Your garlic is so cute:) I like the way you planted spinach so closely packed!

  4. See now that is about all the garlic I would get on a good year anyway. :-)

  5. Nice garlic! The spinach looks so yummy.

  6. I hope your kale lasts for you. Mine went to seed really early in the year.

  7. I'm so curious to know how my garlic is doing as well! But I don't have much, so I don't want to pull any! Your harvest looks good!

  8. I really can't wait to pull out my garlic! I want to see how it's going. Oooh, the wait is so hard!


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