Thursday, June 23, 2011

Garden Happiness(es)

Round two of the snap peas is much smaller than Round One, but we already have a few flowers and one actual pea :-)
The Blue Corn is coming along nicely!  This is my first year trying this fingers are officially crossed!
All of the tomatoes I started from seed in one of our raised beds are turning into giants and flowering like crazy, however, this is the first one to actually fruit.  These are Yellow Taxis.
The pumpkins are getting quite large, but I guess that's to be expected since their main goal in life seems to be taking over the world...
A late transplanted tomato which is making a come back (the seed was direct sowed in another bed and then I decided it should really live in the back yard instead of the front yard) and a baby sunflower.
A few sunflowers along the back, next is a row of cucumbers (they will get their support this weekend) with pie pumpkins (on the left, again, trying to take over the world) and acorn squash (on the right & barely visible in this pic, struggling, but finally perking up a bit) up front.

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